Reflections On The Kingship Of Christ

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Reflections On The Kingship Of Christ


“… the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of David his father; and he shall reign in the house of Jacob forever.”.

Throughout the centuries of faith, one ideal kept various nations and peoples united: the Kingship of our Lord Jesus Christ over individuals and nations. Rejected by the Protestant revolutionaries, attacked by the architects of the Enlightenment, and ignored and derided in our own age, ignorance of the doctrine of Christ’s Kingship lies at the heart of the present crisis. This little book provides the reader with the key texts to understand, love, and defend this teaching. Along with biographical information about the speakers at the 2011 Angelus Press Conference, this book presents the relevant encyclicals from Popes Leo XIII, St. Pius X, Pius XI, and Pius XII in their entirety, plus articles from the late Cardinal Pie, Fr. Juan Carlos Iscara, FSSPX, and Dr. John Rao. A must-have for those Catholics committed to restoring all things in Christ.

Over the weekend of October 7-9, 2011, Angelus Press hosted its second annual conference on the theme of Our Lord Jesus Christ: The Kingship of Christ. With over 400 attendees from around the country (and some international visitors), some of the greatest minds and speakers convened to examine this doctrine from a variety of angles. The result was an amazing success as those in attendence learned about Christ’s Kingship and were spurred on to Catholic Action.

184pp. Softcover.

Reflections On The Kingship Of Christ
