2019 Conference Audio: Defense of the Family

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2019 Conference Audio: Defense of the Family


Full Conference Audio Set for the Angelus Press 2019 Conference for Catholic Tradition :


With Guest Speaker Bishop Bernard Fellay

Never before in the history of mankind has society so thoroughly questioned every aspect of morality. The heart of every society is the family and the heart of every good family is Christ. Join us for powerful lectures and open discussions about Family, Marriage, and Children and how best to navigate the Modern World while still becoming and raising saints. In the history of the world marriage has never been easy and in a world that is increasingly hostile to the most fundamental principles of our Faith it is only becoming more difficult.  Learn the best way to sanctify yourself and help your loved ones reach their eternal destiny in heaven through Christ and Mary in spite of the Devil, the Flesh, and World.  

  • Introduction – Matrimony is the Foundation of the Family / God’s Right Over the Heart – Fr. Jurgen Wegner, US District Superior, SSPX
  • How Rousseau’s Educational Theories Affect Us Today – Rev. Father Juan Carlos Iscara, SSPX. Professor at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary
  • Original Sin and Its Consequences – Bishop Bernard Fellay, SSPX. Keynote Speaker
  • The Danger Lurking Online – Rev. Father Sean Kilcawley, Director of the Office of Family Life
  • Raising Men in the Modern World – Rev. Father Daniel Muscha, SSPX.
  • Protestant Influence on Family Life – Dr. John Rao D.Phil. Oxon.
  • The Family and Vocations – Bishop Bernard Fellay, SSPX. Keynote Speaker
  • The Importance of Fathers to Their Daughters – Mother Mary Joseph, SSPX. Superior of the Franciscan Convent of Christ the King
  • The Need for Roots: Family, History, and Memory – Rev. Father Juan Carlos Iscara, SSPX.
  • Presentation: Maria Goretti – Mr. Andrew Clarendon
  • Raising a Catholic Family Today: A Call to Hope – Rev. Father Gerard Beck, SSPX. School Superintendent
  • Roundtable Q/A Session – TBA
  • Conclusion: Sacramental Grace of Marriage a Source of Unlimited Hope in the Darkest Times of History – Fr. Jurgen Wegner, US District Superior, SSPX

2019 Conference Audio: Defense of the Family
