The Next HOPE (2010): “Design of a Wireless EMG” (Download)


The Next HOPE (2010): “Design of a Wireless EMG” (Download)

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Friday, July 16, 2010: 5:00 pm (Bell): This talk is a summary of all the steps taken in designing a wireless EMG. Such a device is capable of using the faint electrical signals that muscles give off when used in controlling other systems. Konstantin Avdashchenko’s current design is a combination of power supply circuitry to run off a lithium-ion battery, a nRF24l01+ chip for wireless capability, a PIC 18F4550 as the brains of the device, and an amplification board to amplify EMG signals. This presentation will show how each of these elements come together to create a wireless EMG. The talk will cover the sections of design, manufacture, testing, coding, and future work.

The Next HOPE (2010): "Design of a Wireless EMG" (Download)
